Learning Pathways
Students achieve academic and vocational training outcomes that provide numerous flexible study and employment options in the future.
The college has a strong focus on blended pathways, offering an extensive curriculum and support program tailored to meet the specific needs of students at all stages of their learning.
The diverse range of subjects and academic support structures which enhance learning include:
- Mathematics: Mathematics, General Mathematics, Mathematical methods, Specialist Mathematics, Essential Mathematics, Mathematics Extension
- English and Languages: English, English as an Additional Language, Essential English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Spanish, Arabic
- Religious Education: Study of Religion, Religion and Ethics, Advocacy and Community Service, Religion, Meaning and Life, Certificate III Christian Ministry and Theology
- Humanities: Global Learning and Sustainability, Business Enterprise, Accounting, Legal Studies, Modern History
- Design and Technology: Digital Technology, Information and Communication Technology, Information Digital Media and Technology, Design and Technology, Engineering, Construction, Furnishing
- Science: Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Sampling and Measurement
- Health, Sport, Recreation and Fitness: Health and Physical Education, Outdoor Recreation, Sport Coaching, Fitness
- Creative Industries: Visual Art, Music, Creative Media and Arts, Creative Industries
A range of Certificate qualification courses at various levels are offered at the college. Areas include:
- Humanities
- Business Studies
- Information Technology
- Hospitality
- Tourism
- Kitchen Operations
- Fitness
- Sport Coaching
- Sport & Recreation
- Outdoor Recreation
- Engineering
- Construction
- Foundation Skills
- Literacy Extension and Support
- Furnishing
- Science
- Creative Industries
Pirlirrpa Education Program
The Pirlirrpa Education Program stands out as a distinctive and adaptable educational initiative within the College. Participants in this program enjoy a tailored experience, with a mainstream alternative pathway approach, fostering their personal growth and prioritising their overall wellbeing, while working towards obtaining their Queensland Certificate of Education. Core subjects are taught in a dedicated learning environment, complemented by the College’s wide array of vocational and academic courses available across the campus. Central to the ethos of the Pirlirrpa Education Program is the belief that every student deserves a secure, supportive, and hopeful outlook for their future, and a future pathway outcome is the goal.