Learning Environments
Watch the video below for a tour of the college's learning facilities.
Indigenous Sacred Space
The college Indigenous Sacred Space was designed and built in 2019 around the large fig tree that sits on the corner of the campus.
Indigenous staff and students consulted with local elders and the wider community to create the space.
Historically, the protected fig tree marked the boundary that segregated Indigenous people from European settlement.
Commercial Kitchens and Camino Training Café
There are two fully-equipped commercial kitchens on campus and the the Camino Training Café was established in 2020 and is centrally located on the college campus. The facility provides work experience opportunities for to students completing hospitality courses.
The Camino Café was developed and fitted out in consultation with industry to ensure it is an authentic workplace for students to learn.
The project was a whole-school collaboration involving students from several departments including technology students who developed remote ordering software, and creative industries students who designed artwork, signage, and advertising materials.
Jimmies on the Dam
The St James College Lake Maroon Dam facility, affectionately called ‘Jimmies on the Dam’, services the delivery of Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation and provides a venue for camps, leadership group activities, outdoor education classes, and vocational studies.
Trade Skills Centre
The Trade Skills Centre is a state of the art centre equipped with machinery for the study of engineering, design and technology, creative industries, furnishing and construction.
Santiago Building
The Santiago building houses the Careers Centre, IT and Health Hub, the Tapas Arts Centre, the Realto Performance Theatre, music rooms, hairdressing salon and commercial café.